
CCTV Installation for Retail Shops

Protect Your Shop or Retail Premises with a Retail CCTV System

We provide CCTV security systems and installation solutions for your shop or retail premises. We consider ourselves an expert CCTV Installer in London. We also cover Essex, Kent and anywhere within the M25.

Shoplifting is increasing. In 2022/23 there were 342,343 recorded shoplifting offences in England and Wales. (ONS)1

Retail security is paramount in order to protect your business and maximise your profits. Thieves and burglars as well as employees, can steal stock if not deterred by security cameras, which impacts your profit margin and gives thieves the impression that your retail premises is an easy target, which results in further theft. Theft and vandalism can also affect your business, as customers may be put off from entering your shop and buying from you.

Installing a retail CCTV camera system in your store can act as a deterrent to thieves. In the event of theft from your business, you will be able to identify the criminal and use stills and video as evidence. CCTV is a very effective and low cost way to add security and safety, protecting your stock, staff, business and profits. Our Cloud CCTV systems and CCTV Cloud storage provide 24/7 surveillance and you can access and monitor your system remotely from anywhere using your phone, tablet or PC.

Because of Techcube’s SSAIB installer accreditation, CCTV can be monitored by a monitoring centre and they will contact the police in the event of an incident.

Benefits of our Retail CCTV Systems

There are many benefits of using modern retail CCTV systems, and the following benefits help to increase productivity and maximise profit.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Benefits of Retail CCTV Systems

AI functionality on our Hikvision and Dahua IP security cameras includes the ability to use the software to set up parameters. Parameters are set to achieve your business security needs and goals. For example, you can set up “line detection” so that anyone who crosses a line in your retail store will trigger the security camera to start recording.

Another example is the safe where you store your valuables – a parameter can be used to draw a square around the safe and anyone who is near to the safe will be recorded. This can also be used in areas of the store that stock valuable items such as alcohol. This feature saves a lot of time after a crime, as instead of replaying footage, rewinding and forwarding, the pre-set parameters allow the playback of the crime to be located and retrieved more easily.

Another retail CCTV benefit of AI is to count footfall in your shop and a report can be generated of quiet and busy times, so you can plan more easily, adjusting staff levels and resources.

AI Retail CCTV systems offer CCTV Facial Recognition which can be used as a form of access control. Simply add peoples’ faces to a banned list if they have previously committed a crime in your store and get alerted if they enter the premises, as the CCTV cameras will instantly detect them upon entry. Find out more about our facial recognition CCTV systems.

Other Benefits of our Retail CCTV Security Systems:

  • High quality range of IP, IR and HD CCTV cameras and retail security systems tailored to your requirements. We can install indoor and outdoor cameras at exits and entrances, inside storage facilities, by cash registers, on the sales floor and at external locations.
  • Advanced, sophisticated CCTV cameras and systems, including AI facial recognition CCTV that matches faces to a database.
  • CCTV installations that deter criminals with 24/7 surveillance at all times of the day and night.
  • Integrate your EPOS till system with CCTV – items scanned at the till, and voided items for example, are recorded as a text overlay on the CCTV image of the till area so it’s easy to retrieve the recording to see if there was a crime.
  • Cloud CCTV offers secure and advanced CCTV recording, with Cloud storage and 24/7 access. Access and monitor your CCTV system remotely from anywhere in the world using your phone, laptop, PC or tablet.
  • Ability to capture criminal activity with clear and sharp high definition images and video recording.
  • Reduce your insurance and security bills with the latest technology CCTV system.
  • Full CCTV maintenance and support.

Our CCTV camera systems can be combined with our burglar alarm and EPOS systems to boost your retail security and business surveillance even further.

Why Choose Techcube to Install CCTV for Your Business?

  • SSAIB accredited – professional installation to SSAIB’s strict standards – high quality products and best practice installation. Read more about our SSAIB accreditation.
  • Over 2000 installations since 2007.
  • 100’s of satisfied customers.
  • Experienced and skilled installers.
  • High quality range of CCTV cameras, DVRs, NVRs and other equipment.
  • One year manufacturer’s warranty on products and a one year warranty on installation.
  • CCTV maintenance plans and support.
  • Supply, installation, repairs and upgrade of retail CCTV systems, UK support and maintenance plans.
  • Free retail security site survey and quote.


Free Site Survey and Quote

To arrange your free site survey for retail CCTV and security systems, simply fill in the quote form. Alternatively, please call us on 020 8586 1500

Read more about business CCTV installation.


1https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/datasets/crimeinenglandandwalesappendixtables [accessed 22 January 2021]


SSAIB Accreditation Techcube Limited. Click to verify

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