
Intruder alarm maintenance plans

Our intruder alarm maintenance plans are available for Techcube alarm systems and all other alarm systems that comply to British Standards. We can maintain and repair your intruder alarm security system on-site, even if it is installed by another provider. We respond quickly to clients, visiting their site premises to get their alarm systems back working.

Total intruder alarm maintenance

We provide total maintenance, support and inspections for alarm systems to diagnose technical errors and problems. We can repair all or any component of your alarm system, sensors, equipment and cabling, and we give a one-year guarantee on all of our alarm installation products. As part of our maintenance cover, we provide twice-yearly servicing to ensure that your alarm system stays working and protecting your premises.

Our alarm maintenance package includes:

  • Intruder alarm servicing twice-yearly as part of our maintenance contracts.
  • Full inspection and health check of your alarm system, equipment and sensors.
  • Diagnosing, troubleshooting and testing for technical faults and problems.
  • Reliable, high quality intruder alarm repairs.
  • One-year manufacturing guarantee for all alarm products installed by us.
  • Checking and testing power supply, voltage and signalling.
  • Checking and testing alarm sensors.
  • Ensuring your alarm is running to optimum levels.
  • Security standards checking and testing.
  • Service log provided for insurance claims.

Contact us

To find out more about our maintenance plans, please call us on 020 8586 1500 or contact us here.

Reliable, high quality maintenance and servicing for intruder alarm systems

We provide alarm maintenance for many customers and their business and residential premises. We can quickly identify faults with burglar alarm systems and equipment. Our maintenance visit includes thorough survey inspections to identify faults and carry out repairs. Not only that, we provide a one-year manufacturing guarantee for any alarm system products that are installed by us.

Included with our maintenance contracts, our twice-yearly alarm systems servicing gives a thorough check of the system itself and all alarm equipment including sensors, power supply and cabling. Regular servicing will help your alarm system stay working 24/7 to protect your business or home and to maintain optimum security.

Our professional alarm maintenance service is supporting customers and businesses to get their burglar alarms back to a reliable and even better working order and to continue retaining security.


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